Thursday, March 02, 2006

I talk too much

On the way home from class, I called to see how much my cell phone bill is this month. I almost fainted when the automated system said, $412.74!

Ok, wow...

I can't recall ever having a cell bill that high. My first impression was that there must be a mistake. Unfortunately, there wasn't. I realize I went over my minutes but it kinda burns me that for just $5.00 more they have a plan that would have covered me. But, instead, they are going to charge me .40 cents a minute for all my calls that went over the limit. Sigh!

I talk too much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have Verizon and they'll let you retroactively add minutes to your plan.

It's been a lot time since I've gone over, but the first month I added my daughter to the plan - we (the family) went over. Way over.
