Sunday, September 18, 2005


I am really enjoying the bible study I am going to on Thursday nights. On the first night we learned a 5 statement pledge that will govern our study. It is:

1. God is who He says He is.

2. God can do what He says He can do.

3. I am who God says I am.

4. I can do all things through Christ.

5. God's word is alive and active in me.

I know this is going to be a powerful journey. I know it because from the moment I committed to doing this bible study I have had nothing but trouble. I have wanted to give up and say, "I quit" several times in the last two weeks. I believe that the enemy hates it when Christians get serious about their faith. He doesn't want anyone to be successful in Christ. He doesn't want us to advance the kingdom of God. He doesn't want us to reach out to the unchurched. He knows that he can't steal our salvation, but he would love to destroy our witness, our joy and our hope.

The truth is I just really want to reach the next level in my Christian life. I want to grow in my faith to the point that I completely trust God in all things. I really do thirst for him. I want to know him intimately. When I think about giving up, God is quick to remind me of the kind of life he brought me from. The fact is, no matter what kind of trials I face as a Christian, I know what a life without God is all about. As they say, "I've been there, done that, and I've got the t-shirt." The enemy is a liar and nothing he has to offer is worth the price you have to pay. I thank God that he reminds me of that every day.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Prayer Request

I would like to request prayer for my co-worker's grandson that was born yesterday. He has some birth defects that they were unaware of, despite many ultrasounds. He is missing his left middle finger and all the other fingers on both hands are webbed together.

The baby's name is Austin. His parents are Jennifer and Joey.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Day of the Lord

I was running late for church this morning so I decided to go to a Baptist church that is a lot closer to my house. The topic of the sermon was "The Second Coming of Christ." As long as I have been attending the Presbyterian church, I don't recall ever hearing a sermon about eschatology. It has never been a subject that I was very interested in. Thus, I do not have a clearly formed belief concerning these things. So, how about it? What are your eschatological views? Are you Preterist, Premil, Postmil, Pre-wrath, Amil, etc...

What is interesting is that last night I was actually reading Revelations. While reading, I was thinking about the premillinial pre-trib teachings that I grew up with. Something struck me as I was reading. If this view is correct, then why would God loose Satan again to deceive the nations after the tribulation period and millinial reign is over? Who is he going to deceive? The saints who ruled with Christ? The people who accepted Jesus during the great tribulation? I find it hard to believe that those people who have made it through the great tribulation and all the wrath that has been poured down on sin would turn against God again.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

"Believing God"- A Beth Moore Bible Study

I am really excited to report that I started an 11-week Beth Moore women's bible study tonight at my church, First Presbyterian. There were about 15 women there, raging in age from early 20's to late 60's. I am very optimistic about this bible study. Lately I have been feeling a little blah about my spiritual life and I have been experiencing some reservations about joining the church I attend. At first I felt that I wasn't being challenged enough. But, then I realized that perhaps it wasn't the church's fault, it might be mine! GASP! May it never be so! :)

The fact is that I normally just attend the traditional Sunday morning worship services and an occassional Sunday night contemporary service. I have not been going to Sunday School or participating in any small group bible studies. So, I think before I determine that " I am not being fed" I probably need to buy a set of silverware.

I enjoyed the small group experience because it provided me with an opportunity to get to know some of the women one on one. Its really hard to do that in regular church services. I hope this experience will help me feel more involved. I have felt like somewhat of an outsider for a while because I didn't really know anyone there when I started going.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Support the Relief Effort

The people of New Orleans, and the other cities and affected by Hurricane Katrina need our help. You may not think that the relatively small amount of money that you can afford to give will go very far. But, if we all give a little, together we can do a lot. Remember, this could be you or one of your family members. Show the love of God to those who are hurting by making a donation today. The Red Cross makes donating easy. You may give online here or you can reach them by phone at 1-800-HELP-NOW.

In addition to your monetary support, please continue to lift up all the people affected by this disaster in prayer.

Thank you and God Bless You.