Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Day of the Lord

I was running late for church this morning so I decided to go to a Baptist church that is a lot closer to my house. The topic of the sermon was "The Second Coming of Christ." As long as I have been attending the Presbyterian church, I don't recall ever hearing a sermon about eschatology. It has never been a subject that I was very interested in. Thus, I do not have a clearly formed belief concerning these things. So, how about it? What are your eschatological views? Are you Preterist, Premil, Postmil, Pre-wrath, Amil, etc...

What is interesting is that last night I was actually reading Revelations. While reading, I was thinking about the premillinial pre-trib teachings that I grew up with. Something struck me as I was reading. If this view is correct, then why would God loose Satan again to deceive the nations after the tribulation period and millinial reign is over? Who is he going to deceive? The saints who ruled with Christ? The people who accepted Jesus during the great tribulation? I find it hard to believe that those people who have made it through the great tribulation and all the wrath that has been poured down on sin would turn against God again.


Gina said...

Interesting. Perhaps I will check out your blog before I ask you any other questions. Maybe you have already discussed the questions I have there. If not, I will let you know.

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

R.C.Sproul wrote a book, "The End Times According to Jesus"

It's not long and it's pretty good.

Gina said...

And you would actually recommend that over the "Left Behind" series?? LOL