Thursday, September 08, 2005

"Believing God"- A Beth Moore Bible Study

I am really excited to report that I started an 11-week Beth Moore women's bible study tonight at my church, First Presbyterian. There were about 15 women there, raging in age from early 20's to late 60's. I am very optimistic about this bible study. Lately I have been feeling a little blah about my spiritual life and I have been experiencing some reservations about joining the church I attend. At first I felt that I wasn't being challenged enough. But, then I realized that perhaps it wasn't the church's fault, it might be mine! GASP! May it never be so! :)

The fact is that I normally just attend the traditional Sunday morning worship services and an occassional Sunday night contemporary service. I have not been going to Sunday School or participating in any small group bible studies. So, I think before I determine that " I am not being fed" I probably need to buy a set of silverware.

I enjoyed the small group experience because it provided me with an opportunity to get to know some of the women one on one. Its really hard to do that in regular church services. I hope this experience will help me feel more involved. I have felt like somewhat of an outsider for a while because I didn't really know anyone there when I started going.

1 comment:

P. Allan Frederick said...

I completely understand and can relate. I went, and still kinda go through the same thing. Like you have pointed out earlier, it's not what you get, but what you give!