Thanks for your thoughts on the lecture series, I shared them with (the two associate pastors). The three of us have talked about some of the statements made by Dr. _____. Of course, we can't speak for her, but it is safe to say that at least a point of her message was the diversity within scripture interpretation. She exemplified just that! There is a wide range of scriptural interpretation, no two people see every word the same way. However, I did appreciate the way she upheld the Bible as inspired, as the word of God, as our authority as Christians.
Some of her words (ie "convoluted") were rather abrasive, rough, and at times, even disconcerting to some, I'm sure. However, as (one of the associate pastors) commented, Dr. ______ is used to an academic environment, one with a purpose to challenge, to test, to dispute, to confront, to tantalize one's curiosity to plumb the depths of God's word - ie to do theology.
All of us can agree that Paul was more than just a computer keyboard for the HS. We can also agree that he wrote in a certain period, within a certain culture. What we cannot agree on all the time is how all of those ingredients fit into the equation we call inspired word of God.
You've made some good comments which any of us would enjoy discussing further with you, though I'd much prefer face to face. I'd also encourage you, if you'd like, to write an email to Dr._____. It would be interesting to hear her comments.
Thanks again Gina, for caring so deeply for the Word, for sharing your faith, and for joining together in our quest for a discerning heart.
Grace and Peace,
"Rejoice in the Lord always!.... and the peace of God, which surpasses
all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
(Phil. 4:4,7)
What are your thoughts?? Comments??
I'd be a lot better resource with thoughts, if this didn't seem to mirror what's happening at my church.
I got the "pat on the head, there, there, it'll be ok" treatment.
all scripture is God breathed!!!!
Sadly, I think that its representative of what is happening in many churches today.
Are you going to pursue it?
I am not sure what to do. I don't know if anyone at my church is inclined to listen. I think that the position that the Dr. from Columbia Theological Seminary took in the book review I emailed you pretty accurately summarizes the view of my pastor, from what I can tell. If that is the case, I don't know what options that really leaves...
That could be really tough, then. If you have a pastor whose position of the authority of the Bible is that much different than yours, your options really are limited.
There would always be a friction.
I liked this ...
joining together in our quest for a discerning heart.
... I'd take it as an invitation to contend for your faith and for your heart. They need your discerning heart - even if they don't know it. Don't make assumptions ... meet with the pastor and really get to know where he is coming from.
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