Why are Christians hated so deeply ... by other Christians?
An excerpt:
I have read far too many posts and articles that can be summed up like this: “I’m a Christian but I’m really, really embarassed to be associated with all those hateful, ignorant, hypocritical Christians out there”.
Well, I’m not. I’m done being embarassed. I’m not ashamed of my brothers and sisters. God will take care of us, will correct us, and will make us perfect in the end. If you think about it, one of the things about Jesus that is just so . . . well, so breathtakingly awesome is that He was never embarassed of the weird people in His society. If He has saved someone, He isn’t embarassed of them. He doesn’t mind being associated with them. Because He knows that one day they will truly see Him, and will be like Him, because they will see Him as He is. And they will, one day, be glorified - a creature, redeemed by God and made perfect, before whom (as C.S. Lewis writes) we would sink in awe and might even be tempted to worship.
Jesus has plans for His bride. He plans on making her beautiful. You will not see me pointing at her and telling her she’s ugly. One day the angels will stand in awe.
In the meantime, may we do a better job at working out our salvation with fear and trembling, in walking more wisely toward those who are outside, in never being the cause of an unbeliever’s blasphemy before God, and in loving each other as Christ promised we would. And may God discipline us (starting with me) like crazy as we journey on this road. He will make us perfect - He promised it. And He is stubborn and zealous and determined and all-powerful, so I know he will do it!
Mandi reminds everyone in the comments section of this post: "love is not a feeling, it is a choice." Therefore, we truly must choose to love onen another as Jesus commanded us in John 13:34:
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.